And with one ill-considered remark or misstep, the successful efforts by the president thus far could unravel.
Colorful and outspoken, Mr. Watanabe created some international uproars with ill-considered remarks.
Mr. Jackson, on the other hand, has struggled vainly to live down his ill-considered remarks during his Presidential campaign in 1984.
It may be preceded by an ill-considered remark or an imbalance in which one of the participants makes minimal responses.
There was never an ill-considered remark made about either of them.
Such patronizing, ill-considered remarks do nothing to inspire confidence in Ms. Greer.
Now perhaps, at any other time, perhaps in another year or so, she might have gotten away with such an ill-considered remark.
He laughed to try to slough off the ill-considered remark.
This will put out of business all those whose ill-considered remarks have been confusing the issue.
It was her attempt to use this ill-considered remark to stop a sensible discussion about an important topic.