When the submarine was 6000 yards from the transport, another explosion was observed aboard that ill-fated ship, and its bow disappeared.
These events led to the gradual disappearance of the entire crew apparently owing to a malevolent presence on board the ill-fated ship.
Lastly he cursed Johnson for being so foolish ever to step aboard this ill-fated ship.
Written and directed by James Cameron, it will do its rumbling, groaning best to plunge you under the ice with the ill-fated ship.
The Titanic wasn't just another ill-fated ship.
Just how many meanings can be attached to that ill-fated ship?
The luxurious comfort for which the ill-fated ship was famous had deteriorated into pitiful scraps.
For years, controversy reigned as to the location of the ill-fated ship.
The survivors had been left on the island by the ill-fated ship The Active, which sailed away and was never heard from again.
He escaped on an ill-fated Dutch ship that was sunk in the Indian Ocean.