Given Iran's huge military buildup on that island since their illegal annexation of those islands in 1992, their explanation seems somewhat justified.
The Lithuanian Supreme Soviet even referred to Lithuania's independent past and its illegal annexation into the Soviet Union in 1940.
The United States and other Western powers have never recognized the Soviet occupation and illegal annexation of Estonia to the Soviet Union.
I keep reading statements like this, ever since this illegal annexation, illegal aggression took place. . . . We watch it very carefully, and it's pretty hard to detect a pattern.
The Israel state is not interested in this, and has decided to peruse its own plans for partial withdrawal combined with further illegal annexations.
The acts of 1940 had resulted in occupation and illegal annexation.
It sets out how Israel's policy of illegal annexation of East Jerusalem is deliberately designed to weaken the Palestinian community in the city and prevent Palestinian development.
The European Union considers that Israel is "actively pursuing the illegal annexation" of East Jerusalem.
Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Estonia from Russian Empire in 1918; the Soviet period is considered illegal annexation.
In 1831 they protested Georgia's illegal annexation of that part of the Nation which lay within its territory.