Eight other sect members were fined the equivalent of $556 for taking part in what the authorities deemed an illegal assembly.
On December 13, the court dropped two charges against him, including incitement and illegal assembly.
"I am going to declare this here an illegal assembly," the policeman said.
"I make it clear that the Government will have no other choice but to deal resolutely with violent demonstrations and illegal assemblies," he said.
During the 1876 convention, she successfully argued against a group of police who claimed the association was holding an illegal assembly.
Gloria Chang has been arrested for "illegal assembly" when protesting university fees in 2000.
They chased the "suspects" into the park, and declared the gathering of thousands an illegal assembly.
He is expected to be charged with inciting to sedition and illegal assembly.
In Canada, the Dominion government is declared an illegal assembly.
Eventually, 138 union members were found guilty of illegal assembly and the union paid $27,600 in fines.