But enraged Republicans say they were counting clearly illegal ballots.
A judge ruled that several illegal ballots were cast, and the recount resulted in that Republican being seated on the council.
The Supreme Electoral Tribunal ordered the illegal ballots to be confiscated.
The revelation of the illegal ballots was made on the day before the election, designated "day for thought", when no political campaigning is allowed.
In Jacksonville, thousands of black voters had their votes rejected apparently because of a confusing if not illegal ballot.
Allegations of illegal ballots and voter intimidation have been followed by aggressive sign-carrying and shouting.
"It's the illegal ballot, stupid," read one.
For all their threats of court action and dire warnings about illegal ballots, Democratic strategists said today that the last place they wanted the presidential election to wind up was before a judge.
He lead a nine month legal battle to have the illegal ballots counted preventing Hooper from assuming office.
The courts rejected his attempt to break precedent by counting the illegal ballots and he finally gave up the office.