He picked the suspect up in Mexico, where she was attempting an illegal border crossing, and drove her back to Virginia.
The East German military authorities have also ordered troops to stop using weapons to prevent illegal border crossing.
As the obsession grows, the main characters risk their lives in an illegal border crossing.
According to his brother, the charges were illegal border crossing, meeting with enemies of the state, and disseminating anti-state literature.
In 1951, his girlfriend told him about a planned illegal border crossing by train.
She was repatriated from China and imprisoned without a trial for illegal border crossing.
Abraham alerts the police, and has them arrested and put in prison for the illegal border crossing.
But after making an illegal border crossing, he was seized by the Austrian authorities and killed.
It "creates the incentive to make an illegal border crossing," she said, and Canada could well respond by creating a "militarized border."
In September 2008 the park's rugged terrain defeated a rare illegal border crossing.