The boys have been cited for reckless burning and making an illegal campfire.
The walls and floor of the cave's yawning entrance are marred by graffiti and the remains of illegal campfires.
Running their horses on our land, breaking our fences, making illegal campfires.
They framed Pico because they really built that illegal campfire.
On 6-29 fire department personnel announced that the cause was an illegal campfire, (or possibly a discarded cigarette into a campfire pit) and further investigation is pending.
Couple of old illegal campfires.
Until her arrest on Sunday, Ms. Barton was a forestry technician, a job that entails patrolling for, among other things, illegal campfires.
The Bobcat Gulch fire, east of Rocky Mountain National Park, is believed to have been started by an illegal campfire.
The fire was started by an illegal campfire, and a $5,000 reward is being offered for the campers.
The third suspect in a huge forest fire last year pleaded guilty on Monday to building an illegal campfire that led to the blaze.