Three Iraqi soldiers were recently detained for collaboration with insurgents; one was caught at an illegal checkpoint helping insurgents identify others in his unit.
One survey in Hunan Province found 14 illegal checkpoints on a six-mile stretch of road, each extorting tolls from trucks.
Police officials say there are 80 to 90 irregular militia manning illegal checkpoints in the city.
The Afghans found victory in their first operation, a dawn raid against a band of men running an illegal checkpoint.
He told the media that he welcomed the operations by ICU to the eradication of all illegal checkpoints formed in and out of the capital.
In Baghdad, Shiite death squads - sometimes in police uniform - operate many of the illegal checkpoints, Iraqi and American officials say.
The courts have already closed dozens of illegal checkpoints, where the city's various rival militia groups terrorize local residents and extort money.
There are also occasional illegal checkpoints which you should avoid but which to date have been primarily targeted at Timorese.
"Do you know anything about the illegal checkpoints on Market Road?"
"They put up illegal checkpoints sometimes," Abdul Hadi said.