The article indicated that the object might be a battery, an illegal device used to shock a horse and improve its performance.
Why had Chance paid him twenty-five thousand dollars to explain an illegal device that he obviously already knew about?
That number may increase now that questions have been raised about whether Santos carried an illegal device in the Derby.
"There are a number of other individuals that have purchased the illegal devices, and we are continuing to investigate."
A person can be charged with constructive possession of an illegal device if they possess the otherwise legal material to assemble it.
Demonstrate that you have no concealed illegal devices anywhere on your person.
An illegal device implanted directly into the brain that.
Santos persevered through a 48-hour controversy over whether he had carried an illegal device in his hand on his winning ride.
Only my conscious mind was at all enthusiastic about landing on Cliaand without any illegal devices.
In essence, the enterprise is the illegal device of the racketeers.