The illegal digging of such objects destroys much of their archaeological value, as it removes its association from its surroundings.
On a few occasions, Mr. Edwards said, they visited archeological sites and observed the illegal digging in progress.
In recent years, the illegal digging of Buddhist Pine has become a problem in the city.
Volunteers will be checking sites for disturbances resulting from illegal digging and/or camping.
Another growing problem in Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East is illegal digging at archaeological sites.
Ambassador Ribadeneira said that illegal digging and exporting of ancient artifacts was a constant concern in his country.
The illegal digging and export of diamonds, especially through neighboring Liberia, financed rebel groups, including Mr. Sankoh's, during a nine-year civil war.
She didn't exactly say it, but I think she did some illegal digging in here.
For many years we were unable to stop the illegal diggings while at the same time demand was sustained because purchasers here had no problem buying.
Constant illegal diggings in order to find buried treasure, plundering and amateur excavations are destroying valuable archaeological strata.