They cited continued drug abuse by many patients in treatment and illegal diversion of methadone.
We don't want to see these people go back, but by sanctioning the illegal diversion of a flight, we encourage this to happen again.
"Then you are not aware that Ensign Arphan was engaged in illegal diversion of military equipment?"
The hope is to prevent illegal diversions of the magnitude of one reported last year.
And the movie accepts his assertion that he knew nothing of the illegal diversion of funds to the contras fighting in Nicaragua.
Now for the first time there appears to be proof of such illegal diversion, and a political scandal has been set off.
But the problem of illegal diversion is probably centered more on New York City than in less built-up areas, he said.
S3R drugs are those that may have an increased risk of illegal diversion or abuse.
Skimming is the illegal diversion of money from a business before taxes.
Officials of international regulatory agencies also said they had found no such illegal diversions.