Soon, illegal dumpers returned at night to turn the lot back into an eyesore.
He said he does not have the manpower or the vessels to patrol for illegal dumpers.
Recently, an illegal dumper was caught in the act near Shea Stadium by a special sanitation task force, she said.
They said it is getting more difficult to make a difference in the war with illegal dumpers.
The 15.8 acres of vacant city-owned land had long ago become a favorite site for illegal dumpers.
When illegal dumpers are caught, they seldom look panic-stricken, like the perps on cop shows.
The city streets are being decimated,' by illegal dumpers, DiClaudio told the judge.
The Sanitation Department has added 32 enforcement officers to crack down on illegal dumpers.
It is interesting to know that many of the illegal dumpers are homeowners and private contractors.
Guards, video cameras and paperwork should have tripped up any illegal dumpers, he said.