According to Section 125 of China's Criminal Law, making, selling, storing or transporting illegal explosives is punishable by 3 to 10 years in prison.
A blast in northwest China caused by illegal explosives stored in a house killed 47 people and injured 85, state news media reported.
After these attacks Van Hoesel was arrested and sentenced to two years in jail for possession of weapons and illegal explosives.
He said that nearby shops were storehouses for illegal explosives and blew up during the firefight and that 50 to 100 shops burned down.
Both the illicit manufacture and diversion of illegal explosives to the consumer market have become a growing problem in recent years.
Officials say the number of fires started by illegal explosives were also down.
Gone are the brazen offers of Roman candles, blockbusters, cherry bombs, M-80's and other illegal explosives.
Five of the 12 face only one charge each of conspiring to make illegal explosives.
He pled guilty to charges of possession of illegal explosives in April 2002, and was sentenced to 17 years in jail.