One was found with an illegal automatic handgun and bulletproof vest when the squad arrived to interview him in his apartment.
The unit has been credited with taking more illegal handguns off the streets than any other.
If you possess an illegal handgun, you're going to jail.
Can anyone seriously believe that people who sell cocaine by the pound will not know where to obtain an illegal handgun?
In New York and other cities, illegal handguns are a big factor in gun crimes.
He told someone to hide his own illegal handgun to avoid trouble with the law just in case he survived.
Estimates of illegal handguns, which will not be reached by the law, start at one million.
Virginia, Florida and Georgia form the biggest source of illegal handguns in the East.
Mr. Guzman was charged with possession of an illegal handgun, a misdemeanor.
Since the program's inception, 574 tips have been received, resulting in 288 arrests and the seizure of 133 illegal handguns.