The expedition was in retaliation for Villa's illegal incursion into the United States and attack on the village of Columbus, Luna County, New Mexico, during the Mexican Revolution.
But driving Serke making an illegal incursion into Reugge territory, Kublin.
"Your very presence here constitutes an illegal incursion into our space," Motak declared harshly.
Additionally, armed groups and the Liberian armed forces were called upon to refrain from illegal incursions into Sierra Leone.
The suit, filed in 1987, maintained that New Jersey's 57-year-old milk regulations constituted an illegal incursion into interstate commerce by controlling who could distribute milk in the state.
The demand led to illegal tree-harvesting incursions from the Duchy of Prussia.
Greenpeace was opposed to testing and planned to lead yachts to the atoll to protest, including an illegal incursion into French military zones.
For his party, the association with Italian fascism could not have come at a worse time, so soon after headlines of illegal Italian incursions into Abyssinia.
It condemns the illegal incursions by the Israeli army, the extrajudicial executions, the complete blockade of the occupied territories and the extension of the settlements there.
The Reserve is still subject to illegal incursions from pastoralists, particularly in the wet season.