The consulting firm got a total of $262,000 in illegal kickbacks on the 1990 issue.
He also made a tidy income from illegal kickbacks.
The investigation has expanded with five additional defendants being charged, including a consultant who allegedly received more than $5 million illegal kickbacks on the projects.
Under federal law, providing a financial benefit to solicit health care referrals may qualify as an illegal kickback.
By some accounts an owner opening a new place would need $200,000 in "key money," which includes various illegal kickbacks and protection money.
Justice Department officials are investigating possible illegal kickbacks.
It is also extremely disturbing that the panel has accused him of banking some $147,000 in illegal kickbacks.
They described those payments as illegal kickbacks to the patients, suggesting that at least some patients were aware of the scheme.
"We will prosecute cases involving illegal kickbacks regardless of how the payments are characterized or disguised."
But, it said, that did not make the payments "illegal kickbacks."