Mr. Deaver was convicted not of illegal lobbying but of lying about it to Congress and a grand jury.
Mr. Nofziger was found guilty last year of illegal lobbying after he left the Reagan Administration.
Mr. Nofziger was found guilty last month of illegal lobbying for Wedtech and other companies under the Federal ethics law.
Commission conducts investigations into allegations of illegal lobbying and violations of lobbying regulation.
June 27 - A federal appeals court overturns the February 1988 conviction of Lyn Nofziger for illegal lobbying.
Mr. Vincent pleaded guilty earlier this year to federal charges of illegal lobbying for Iraq.
The Senate Ethics Committee and the Department of Justice are investigating the charges related to illegal lobbying and subpoenas have been issued.
(Is there an illegal immigrant lobbying group thats pushing polititians to give them these benifits?)
Congressional conservatives argue that the campaign crossed the line into illegal lobbying, a charge denied by the broadcasters.
Mr. Nofziger was convicted last month of illegal lobbying for Wedtech and other companies.