It is used as a means of transport by the illegal loggers.
Now, when they can monitor their forests for suspicious changes by illegal loggers.
He spent time with government officials, indigenous peoples, illegal loggers, drug manufacturers, and cattle ranchers.
In too many nations, illegal loggers protected by corrupt officials are selling off forests for personal gain.
Birdlife says only illegal loggers have been expelled, but the locals say that isn't so.
It has also served cocaine traffickers and illegal loggers.
In some occasions, illegal loggers have found their way into the reservation.
During 2009 and 2010, the national park was invaded by thousands of illegal loggers searching for rosewood.
She ordered a crackdown on illegal loggers, assigning a former intelligence chief of the military to lead the effort.
In late 2011, illegal loggers burned an 8 year old Awa girl alive, after she wandered out of her village.