As for those less considerate drivers, seeing your message might stop them from performing a dangerous, illegal maneuver.
Asian mist refers to the illegal maneuver of spitting a colored liquid into the face of an opponent in professional wrestling.
Thinking it was a fire from the crashed plane, they pulled over to the side of the parkway and stopped (an illegal maneuver).
Some wrestlers could also do illegal maneuvers such as biting and choking.
They extended straight out like a traffic cop's, halting illegal maneuvers yet to be perpetrated.
As a result of his illegal maneuver, Schumacher was given a five-second penalty at 14:27 local time, 27 minutes after the original incident.
It's an illegal maneuver in tournament wrestling.
Quickly performing an illegal maneuver, we back up the highway into the lot.
We now know that at least some companies were indeed bolstering their earnings, through both legal and illegal maneuvers.
Later, Valentine pinned Junkyard Dog with his feet on the ropes for leverage, which is an illegal maneuver.