The illegal outposts which have been there for two years have doubled and tripled in size.
These youth are often noted for establishing illegal outposts outside existing settlements.
Drivers told the public they were forbidden to disclose their destinations or to enter illegal outposts.
However there is evidence that support continues unabated for illegal outposts.
In 2009, there were approximately 100 small communities that did not meet these criteria and are referred to as illegal outposts.
In response to settler violence, the Israeli government said that it would increase law enforcement and cut off aid to illegal outposts.
In April 2012, four illegal outposts were retroactively legalized by the Israeli government.
The report exposes the existence of at least 150 such illegal outposts that lack proper government authorization.
Only about a settlement freeze and illegal outposts.
"What this actually proves is that the Housing Ministry gave a lot of money to the illegal outposts."