On July 1, 1975, Castellano was indicted on loansharking charges and with tax evasion for not reporting the profits from his illegal racket.
Saviano alleges that from the 1980s, Italian gangsters ran a network of lucrative businesses in the city as well as many illegal rackets.
Akram Raza, has been reinstated to the Pakistan Cricket Board umpiring panel, following his suspension for his alleged involvement in an illegal betting racket.
Turatello was the boss of all illegal rackets in the Po valley as far north as Milan and was a close protégé of the Mafia.
Carleton Sedgwick and Madame Li were in cells waiting to be charged for running their illegal racket.
In Hollywood, Siegel worked with the crime syndicate to form illegal rackets.
Organized crime figures had plenty of cash from their drug dealing, extortion and other illegal rackets, and they had no problems with gambling's seamy image.
One day Harish finds out about the illegal racket Chainani is running for illegal entry to USA.
He rivaled other family's for power and control of illegal rackets in Newark.
Today, the crime family is nearly extinct, since Balistrieri died in 1993, with the Chicago Outfit gaining control over some of the illegal rackets in the area.