The court ruled that the stops were not illegal seizures because asking a man to stop and answer questions does not constitute seizing him.
On the contrary, the first half of the period saw even more illegal seizures of power and military-led governments than in previous decades.
At the time, he was out on bail, but expected to beat the rap on the grounds of illegal seizure.
There's an illegal seizure involved, and under no circumstances will this office prosecute the case.
Alcor sued the county for false arrest and illegal seizure and won both suits.
In some areas, illegal seizures of farmland without reasonable compensation have provoked uprisings.
Now, when do they begin receiving compensation for illegal and unjust seizure?
A coup is an illegal seizure of power - it unseats a leader in an unconstitutional manner.
The captains of the American vessels Nelson had seized sued him for illegal seizure.
Location itself made the illegal seizure one of military as well as social necessity-at least way the Leaguers saw things.