They proposed an "international clearing house" for information on illegal nuclear smuggling.
Located by a small cliff, it is a vulnerable spot for outside attacks or illegal smuggling of materials.
The main criminal activity that the House Committee came to be involved with was the illegal smuggling of a marijuana type substance into the kingdom.
In the last year, the police and Federal immigration officials have increased efforts to reduce what they say is the highly organized pattern of illegal smuggling.
The town also suffers from a black market in illegal smuggling, people trafficking and narcotics.
The illegal cross-border smuggling contributed to the lawlessness of the region.
Monkey World works with foreign governments to stop the illegal smuggling of primates from the wild.
American investigators have no evidence that directly ties me to illegal immigrant smuggling.
She recently reported suspicious men in vans, and agents found illegal immigrant smuggling.
Soon, Maranzano got involved in prostitution and the illegal smuggling of narcotics.