Since arrival of international forces in 1999, illegal timber logging expanded multiple times, so vast areas are now completely devastated by logging.
Controlling imports of illegal timber: Options for Europe (2002)
This has to be better than the rampant drug trade, or the catastrophic legal and illegal timber harvesting devastating much of the hill country.
The EU decided to ban illegal timber on July 2010.
He was also instrumental in the recent EU regulation on illegal timber.
Import or export of illegal timber would be criminalised.
Similar work in Indonesia has successfully reduced the amount of illegal timber leaving the country and led to international action to protect endangered species.
It is estimated that 20 to 40% of the timber felled and exchanged in the world is illegal timber.
Careful management can bring down illegal and unsustainably imported timber.
This Voluntary Partnership Agreement should help tackle corruption and significantly reduce the trade in illegal timber.