Legitimate dealers charge up to $80 for a gun that costs only $13 to produce, while illegal traffickers may collect $300 for it on the street.
One alternative development policy, put forward by the Senlis Council, proposes licensing poppy cultivation in order to make Afghan morphine and other poppy-based medicines and to avoid diversion of opium to illegal traffickers.
But they are thwarted by illegal traffickers who earn hefty markups on weapons imported from states with lax rules.
In court papers, state officials acknowledge that the Flikshteins did not realize Cookie was a member of an endangered species, but they have argued nevertheless that allowing the monkey to remain in Brooklyn "would merely induce illegal traffickers to sell to unaware buyers."
She held that the manufacturers had regularly oversupplied dealers in the states with weak gun laws and that many of the excess guns ended up in the hands of illegal traffickers, who resold them in states with strong laws, like New York.
Because of this failure, the group says, many of the guns end up in the hands of illegal traffickers who sell them to "criminals, juveniles, the mentally ill" and others not authorized to have them.
Meanwhile, Federal officials have come up with new information linking two of the guns that the police say Mr. Baz possessed to illegal traffickers who originally bought the weapons out of state.
However, despite the tireless efforts of devoted gamekeepers, who comb boundless forests searching for poachers, snares and illegal traffickers, a survey last year by the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society showed that the number of tigers in Russia decreasing, likely due to increased poaching.
In an attempt to procure war materials, Rhodesians bought weapons from illegal traffickers and sympathetic governments.
Many of the excess guns end up in the hands of illegal traffickers who resell them to criminals and youths in states with strong gun laws, like New York, the suit contends.