There were illegal wiretaps, in part to conceal the existence of a daughter he had with his mistress.
The judge didn't deign to say what he thought of illegal wiretaps - which you'd think would be an easy one.
But who would've thought one lawyer would eavesdrop on his opponent by means of an illegal wiretap?
It ranks right up there with illegal wiretaps on your opponent's phone.
The charges were dropped after it was disclosed that the government had used illegal wiretaps to obtain evidence.
The judge has been on our side ever since we found the illegal wiretaps.
In 1992, the Highway Patrol was found to have set up illegal wiretaps.
This means, for example, that no one could sue the government to stop an ongoing illegal wiretap.
The police also came across evidence that Pellicano may have used illegal wiretaps.
There remains, however, the difficult question of what to do about the illegal wiretaps that took place since 2001.