On May 9, further evidence of illegal wiretapping against Ellsberg was revealed in court.
Mr. Grey has publicly said he never heard anything about illegal wiretapping.
It was one of the more outrageous moments in the story of the Bush administration's illegal domestic wiretapping.
Thus, an essential element of illegal wiretapping, criminal intent, is missing.
There was also allegations of illegal wiretapping of politicians.
Maihofer resigned from his office in 1978, after taking responsibility for the illegal wiretapping.
In the course of the investigation the government resorted to unauthorized and illegal wiretapping.
Both committees found evidence of spying on American citizens, illegal wiretapping, and cover-ups.
According to the police, the inquiry also found evidence that the president had committed fraud and was engaged in illegal wiretapping.
The illegal wiretapping, the searching of police databases Was I surprised?