Public access to the quiet pebble beach is disputed with the only road to it illegally blocked.
During the campaign one of them, Andrzej Lepper, was arrested for illegally blocking a customs post, however he claimed that this was an attempt to sabotage his campaign.
The incident culminated in a violent confrontation with federal and local officers by family members who illegally blocked a USFS road with a fallen log, denying officers access to patrol areas.
Contempt citations are being sought against the White House budget director and an Assistant Labor Secretary on the ground that they are illegally blocking court-ordered warnings to 18 million American workers about toxic chemicals.
Taxi drivers charged in a suit that he illegally blocked their motorcade protest last year.
For its annual meeting at a hotel in Arendal in 1989, demonstrators from groups including the Blitz movement illegally blocked the meeting from taking place, without the police intervening.
That is one of several areas where they want to ensure that Microsoft does not illegally block evolving challenges to its operating system monopoly.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, in February the European Parliament called on the United States to comply with the international rules and not to introduce customs duties unilaterally and illegally block access by European products to the American market.
Do you believe legal access is being illegally blocked and you wish to report it?
The runner can do whatever he wants, but unless the umpires are napping, the chances are his team's chances would be wiped out by the fielding chance he illegally blocked Team B from making.