"I've been trying to learn who Starbuck is, so I can nail him for murder, and illegally killing mers."
Officers use DNA, ballistic, fingerprint, and any other comparative evidence to prosecute criminals that illegally kill wildlife or commit other crimes.
In Colorado, a poacher was convicted in numerous cases of illegally killing elk as a result of DNA tests.
When a poacher illegally kills a deer, Sam hides the carcass from the hunter so he can use it for food, a door, and a new pair of clothes.
In the US, some pigeon keepers illegally trap and kill hawks and falcons to protect their pigeons.
The public prosecutor fined the shooter 200 euros for illegally killing an animal belonging to a protected species.
There are no figures for the number of animals killed illegally.
Some hunters illegally kill big game animals for body parts.
But the visitors also started the second period with 14 men as flanker Tom Smith illegally killed the ball after another Faletau burst.
Many private landowners illegally kill birds of prey and do other great damage to woodland.