Section 39 of the Bombay Salt Act, which was the same as Section 16-17 of the Indian Salt Act, empowered a salt-revenue official to break into places where salt was being illegally manufactured and seize the illegal salt being manufactured.
"So if a chip were manufactured illegally," Hashi put in, "you would expect it to be purer than ours."
While the game never hit store shelves, it was illegally manufactured in cartridge format and sold at Classic Gaming Expo in 2001.
LSD has been manufactured illegally since the 1960s.
In 2010, one of his sculptures was seized from Mark Moore Gallery by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives pending allegations that it was an illegally manufactured and trafficked firearm.
First, they're being manufactured illegally.
The expensive Cartier watch Mrs. LeBaron gave her husband on their anniversary is a fake, one of those inexpensive reproductions that are illegally manufactured in Taiwan or Mexico.
It is not used in clinical practice, but has been illegally manufactured for recreational drug use.
The vast majority of heroin is illegally manufactured and is diluted or 'cut' for sale on the street.
Counterfeit medicines are manufactured and traded illegally without any form of supervision.