Before the recent nuclear crisis, Japan was concerned mostly about illicit cargo and contacts.
As the drug market in the U.S. grew, many displaced workers became dope farmers or smugglers, and the idled produce trucks found illicit new cargo.
The vessel was found abandoned and sinking while at anchor - Durables crew managed to "interdict" the illicit cargo before she sank.
There were a lot of them on it, along with other illicit cargo.
The submarine pickup was still on, which meant that McClain would still believe he was carrying the illicit cargo.
It was a fine, misty May night, a likely night for sailors with shy passengers and illicit cargoes, and he anticipated good business.
So the next question had to be whether she proposed to land some illicit cargo - or to load it?
They speak of smuggling cartels trafficking in illicit cargo.
During Prohibition illicit cargoes of whiskey were smuggled in here, and celebrities drank with local politicians, who ensured raids never happened.
He probably was a smuggler, but come up from his ship not with illicit cargo, but to convey two important passengers off to a safe port.