And hence, the invitation to this hunt, which had thrilled him as much with its illicit nature as with its prestige.
Drawing followers to a religion also provided Mr. Liu with temptations of a more illicit nature.
Business was also conducted here, though in Wolf's experience it was inevitably of an illicit nature.
The markup on cocaine is insane due to its illicit nature in most countries (illegal and in demand means premium prices).
Due to its illicit nature, statistics about profits from the drug trade are largely unknown.
Measuring corruption statistically is difficult if not impossible due to the illicit nature of the transaction and imprecise definitions of corruption.
While these elements usually attempt to avoid contact with outsiders, even an accidental encounter could generate a violent response due to the illicit nature of their activities.
But it was the illicit nature of the act that appealed.
The popularity of African American dance and music fed what became a fascination with the somewhat illicit nature of the ghetto area.