Unless someone has been using my house for illicit purposes in my absence.
A teacher was arrested last night on charges that he had arranged through the Internet to meet a 13-year-old girl for illicit purposes, the police said.
She said she "suspected the accounts were being used by many people for illicit purposes."
Henry Fowler proves an easier target, as he likes to visit certain establishments for rather illicit purposes.
The curl of the man's mouth suggested knowledge of some illicit purpose behind the note and its reply.
"Enticement laws" in many states make it a crime to lure children for an illicit purpose.
Does he still hold that the President had the right to issue that order, however illicit the purpose?
As with many law enforcement tools, LI systems may be subverted for illicit purposes.
"Since you do not seem to have come here for illicit purposes, what do you want?"
Spyware companies are considered some of the most disreputable players in the industry, because their products can be used for illicit purposes.