Other experts pointed to another issue: each sibling held a minority share of an illiquid asset.
It would further weaken financial markets and reduce the liquidity, particularly in the case of illiquid assets.
If they lost those executives, the firm would have greater difficulty selling some of its most illiquid assets.
Offers daily management of all illiquid assets, such as real estate.
Private equity, however, buys big illiquid assets, generally companies.
It is an illiquid asset which generates a fixed income depending on the stock's interest rate.
Does not directly manage or administer illiquid assets in the estate.
Nor can they cope with illiquid assets, like loans and real estate, in the company's $24 billion portfolio.
Many individuals have avoided illiquid assets like limited partnerships.
When this develops, the most illiquid assets, like real estate, for example, start first to turn down in price.