Most of the first 1,000 men to disarm were illiterate farmers and laborers.
Choe set his Donghak themes to music so that illiterate farmers could understand, accept, and remember them more readily.
We were not a bunch of illiterate farmers.
The stone church is noted for the "teaching tiles" that line the walls of the nave and were once used to teach illiterate farmers about religion.
Amy lived in a time when it was common for most black Jamaicans to be poor, and illiterate farmers.
The men who worked in that building were creatures of a different breed from the penniless grandson of an illiterate hard-scrabble farmer.
The railroad man's parents had been illiterate farmers in the Mohawk River Valley.
Among them is Chhuon Chhon, an illiterate farmer who was a teen-age guard at the prison.
Originally Eldrinson was an illiterate farmer from the backward planet Lyshriol.
In a country of poor, largely illiterate farmers, whose livelihoods depend on land, land tenure is a particularly explosive issue.