All because Aunt Rasa would take in a poor, illiterate seven-year-old girl because she liked the way the girl's mind worked when she conversed with her.
"Legally we are still as helpless as the illiterate girls on the farms," said Nouzha Skali, a Casablanca pharmacist.
Eyo, an illiterate 10-year-old girl is trafficked to the UK with promises of a better life.
In the story an illiterate ten-year-old girl, Eyo, is trafficked to the United Kingdom by her father with promises of work, an education and a fortune.
Should you date an illiterate girl, or should you date a girl who reads?
Who would have thought that at the last moment, in crisis, it would be that simple, illiterate girl who would solve the puzzle of the rings?
That would have made her vulnerable to traffickers, who prey on illiterate girls from the villages.
And Fatimah is all too familiar with the alternatives for illiterate girls.
Clarice "Precious" Jones is an obese and illiterate 16-year-old girl who lives in Harlem with her abusive mother Mary.
Sometimes you talk like an illiterate Jewish girl, no family background.