Although he found evil in the historical record, he fervently believed reason and educating the illiterate masses would lead to progress.
These later turned into block books in the mid-1400s, used to spread religious messages to illiterate masses.
But what was the utility of such a marvellous device for the illiterate masses that teemed across the empire?
In Alcuin's time, the literate few had the responsibility of reading to the illiterate masses.
He was loved by the poor, illiterate masses and despised by the wealthy, educated elite.
His strategy was to begin with the political education of a new grass-root group of people, and subsequently permeate the illiterate, underprivileged and destitute masses.
The pirs and murshids are held in high esteem and confidence amongst the Muslim particularly bym the illiterate masses of the rural areas.
Although Periyar's speeches were targeted towards the illiterate and more mundane mass, scores of educated people were also swayed.
These dramatizations grew into staged Christmas and Easter stories so that the illiterate masses could understand the Latin liturgy.
The pretext used against her was that of superstition, and fanning its flames in front of an illiterate and gullible mass.