In 1950 six out of ten persons could neither read nor write; today an illiterate person is a freak.
Purely illiterate persons cannot read or write in any capacity, for all practical purposes.
"Why can't I have an apartment and a car, while an illiterate person can?"
Signature or an observation cancelling it (for illiterate persons)
An illiterate person would think that they /cannot/ run Siri.
Any illiterate person could conceive such a plan, without need for the inspiration of a book.
It is nonsense to ask an illiterate person if he's reading a book.
Inter rusticos is Latin for "among rustics" or "illiterate persons".
The last thing an illiterate person wants to advertise is the fact that he can't read.
It is considered possible that the inscription was carved by an illiterate person who was attempting to copy some other runestone.