I was in the forest gathering herbs and tending to the illness of a peasant's wife nearby.
On 24 August 2010, due to an illness of his wife, he successfully donated a kidney to her.
The announcement stressed that Bongo had been deeply affected by the illness and death of his wife.
On the management side, Paul Fisk stepped down at the end of the season due to the illness of his wife.
He resigned shortly thereafter, citing problems related to the illness and death of his wife, Janel.
In 1777, however, the illness of his wife caused him to return to New York, where she soon died.
Relf shot himself at Wellington, apparently depressed by the illness of his wife.
His salary was small, and his affairs were further complicated by the long illness of his wife, who died in 1878.
Due to illness of his wife, the family left India in 1885.
It appears that the sudden illness of my wife was for the most part feigned.