This incident proved to be one of the most dramatic food-born-e illness outbreaks ever and awoke people to the danger of E. coli.
The CDC investigated and found that there was a "widespread increased frequency of norovirus-like illness outbreaks" from October 2006 through June 2007.
The city has approximately 4,500 licensed food establishments, and reported illness outbreaks are rare.
These new and much-needed regulations will better enable the FDA to prevent and respond to food-borne illness outbreaks.
The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta says that 20 to 25 percent of food-borne illness outbreaks are linked to seafood.
The spinach / illness outbreak has been traced to a company called "Natural Selection".
Some groups have pushed for a single food-safety agency, on-farm improvements and improved reporting and surveillance of foodborne illness outbreaks.
Each agency investigates foodborne illness outbreaks and other foodborne risks associated with the products they regulate.
The recent Listeria outbreak was the deadliest foodborne illness outbreak in over twenty-five years.
Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 have been the major causes of sprout-associated illness outbreaks.