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Why would I or anyone else do such an illogical thing?
Maybe she was trying to get back at him in some illogical way.
It is a most illogical use of time and energy.
I will be the most illogical character of them all.
"Since I am not anything of the kind, your question is illogical."
It did sound illogical, when looked at in that way.
Perhaps not so illogical, he tried to argue to himself.
It also seems, to me at least, to be illogical.
I believe that this is illogical and not a particularly sound tax policy.
So for him to think of her in any other sense was totally illogical.
But I'll do anything, no matter how illogical to stay alive.
To not accept that I have them would be illogical.
He has no real defense against your doing something totally illogical.
The illogical nature of my position did not strike me.
It was a very strange and illogical story the young man had told.
An illogical name change seemed like the next logical step.
It was illogical, too complicated for her to work out.
One can be patriotic but not in an illogical way.
It is not illogical - quite the opposite in fact.
And she sent up a little illogical prayer for him.
Why would anyone want to continue to live in such a brutal, illogical world?
There are two reasons why I believe this approach is illogical.
It would, after all, have been illogical to dispute his right.
But a lot of things in the world were awkward and illogical.
To do so would be illogical, a part of him reasoned.