But as tonight's close-up account on "The American Experience" sets forth in illuminating detail, the Americans who lived near Harrisburg, Pa., experienced an unnervingly anxious week.
They are not only well chosen but well integrated into the text, and the art of portraying fashion is itself discussed in illuminating detail.
Published (and often polished) accounts of personal experiences on the Grand Tour provide illuminating detail and a first-hand perspective of the experience.
But the twin narratives never cross convincingly, despite the novel's strong writing and wonderfully illuminating detail.
Last year our reviewer, Robert Stone, said the author had "a quick eye for the illuminating detail and a capacity for assembling fact."
As it is, Ms. Irving brings a bruising emotional commitment to her part, especially in the final face-off with Oswald, but little illuminating detail.
Yet Mr. Gordon's book is a masterly retelling of the cable adventure, filled with illuminating detail about the times and the people who made it happen.
Aaron's writing glides like the camera in a Robert Altman ensemble piece, picking up and illuminating details to slowly, invisibly build a greater whole.
He provides illuminating detail on individual battles, while also assessing the fitness and character of the commanders, as well as the culture of their armies and their missions.
All seven characters are drawn with illuminating detail and superbly played by an outstanding young company.