Curtis's famous pictures of American Indians, published between 1907 and 1937 in 20 lavishly illustrated volumes with accompanying texts, were intended as a comprehensive anthropological record of the customs and ceremonies of North American tribes.
Doane also illustrated volumes in the Melody Lane series by Lillian Garis, and many other books.
He also illustrated volumes written by Ethel Turner and other Australian authors.
From 1762 to 1764, he wrote four richly illustrated volumes on mycology, Natürlich ausgemahlten Abbildungen baierischer und pfälzischer Schwämme, welche um Regensburg wachsen.
Between those bookends, each composer offers a set of slim, colorfully illustrated volumes on misbehavior.
Four years ago the Saatchi Collection issued a lavish catalogue of much of its contents, a boxed set with the title Art of Our Time which comprised four beautifully illustrated volumes that retailed at the not inconsiderable price of £100.
He illustrated several volumes for George Macy's Limited Edition Club, and World's Best Fairy Tales for Reader's Digest in the late 1960s.
He started illustrating local volumes of books about the region, and participated repeatedly in the annual poster competition for the world famous sailing event, the Kiel Week.
Ota had a lifelong involvement with kabuki theater, illustrating volumes on major kabuki plays and famous kabuki costumes.
On this edition (so called "green volumes") bases the series Karl May's Illustrierte Reiseerzählungen (illustrated "blue volumes", since 1907).