After reading him, I picked up some illustrated copies of The Divine Comedy, and selected passages with a mixture of recognition and anticipation.
In addition, the 16 teams to go through to the third round will each receive an illustrated copy of The Guinness Book of Cricket Facts and Feats.
Emilia, her sister, had given him an illustrated copy of The Wind in the Willows.
I got an illustrated copy of the Kama Sutra and chose the three most outrageous positions.
Second, Pietro commissioned an illustrated copy of the Notitia Dignitatum in 1436; it now resides as MS Canon.
In 1856, Joseph Lilly and Joseph Willis, booksellers, each offered for sale an illustrated copy of Granger's work.
Only 13 illustrated copies of this book survive, and the St. Petersburg version is one of the finest, executed when Arab secular painting was at its peak.
It is one of the oldest extant illustrated copies of the Physiologus.
An illustrated copy of her "Poems for the Sea" is on display in a glass-enclosed case, along with a page from the manuscript of "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Approximately 20 illustrated copies were made of the work during Rashid al-Din's lifetime, but only a few portions remain, and the complete text has not survived.