To keep the family's spirits up during her shuttle trips, Helen Bannerman turned to writing illustrated letters and telling homemade stories.
Nowadays, prices range from $40,000 for an illustrated letter to $1 million for a major painting.
His eldest daughter, Miranda, no longer wrote him the happy illustrated letters she'd regularly sent his way throughout her earlier girlhood.
It might have been edited a bit, or softened with more works on paper, especially the illustrated letters that are possibly the artist's best drawings.
I was drawn to Russell's illustrated letters, which truly put E-mail to shame.
Like the books, Ceremony of Innocence takes the form of illustrated letters and postcards.
The illustrated and annotated letters, preceded by an introduction - like a travel diary intended for a Voyage pittoresque - were never published.
To behold its inspiration, the illustrated letter to Noel, is to know childhood enriched.
One of these illustrated letters, written in 1893, tells the story of Peter Rabbit almost word for word as it was published nine years later.
Her books developed from the illustrated letters she wrote to the sons and daughters of friends.