The firm had an illustrious heritage, the parent company being founded in New York City by Cyrus L.W. Eidlitz in 1885.
These were mainly concerned with the lack of "elegant or suitable" males to carry on the quintessential qualities of Caissa's historically illustrious heritage of governors, explorers spatial and scientific, male and female.
He cared little about the Thunderbird's illustrious heritage.
A less illustrious heritage is also discernible.
This remarkable cabriolet V8 sports car more than lives up to its illustrious heritage.
From an age that was arguably as taken with the sound of its own voice and as fixated on information as we are, the coffeehouse comes down to us with an illustrious intellectual heritage.
It develops that Evangeline herself has an illustrious heritage: She is the daughter and granddaughter of elite angelologists.
One admires Phillips for taking on the cat-worshipping curiosities of an extinct culture, but one also recalls that ancient Egypt, as subject matter, does not have the most illustrious heritage.
Running as a separate business, the company itself has its own illustrious heritage stemming back to 1850.
I have an illustrious heritage, being the offspring of the West Wind and a harpy.