The image acquired on May 30, 2008, captured the ice shelf at the beginning of a disintegration event.
His image acquired mythical proportions for his followers.
In popular memory, his image has acquired a legendary and romantic façade.
The day is celebrated as Romania's national holiday, and, with time, Mârza's images acquired political and documentary significance.
Frame rate: High frame rates (i.e. images acquired per second) are needed to visualize fast motion without stroboscopic effects.
But after its tragic end when his image acquires its true history.
In the last few moments before he roused himself from his stupor, his vision flickered and the images acquired a sense of heightened reality.
High-resolution images of Io acquired while the satellite is experiencing an eclipse reveal an aurora-like glow.
This image of goodness and light once again acquired a tarnish with the advent of the sixth edition of Warhammer.