But the most powerful images for new urban housing may well arise from the architect's willingness to face these hazards.
Alice, black hair flowing around her beautiful face: other images arose clear and bright in all their colours.
Then up from the bottom of the gyre arose images which Covenant feared to recognize.
Yet it was not long before a more divine image arose.
This image arose along with feminism in the 1970's, at which point it seemed quite plausible to me.
An image suddenly arose in her mind, one with all the clarity of something seen in a vivid nightmare.
Every time he looked at her, erotic, sensual images arose in his mind.
Obviously the same images arise again and again if they have become canonical in introductory history of art books.
When I asked Knox how often such images arise, he thought for a moment and said, "Every ten minutes."
That image arose in the early days, when the Mac was a closed box with but 128K of memory and a single disk drive.