The images - all taken near the cabin he built himself - combine simplicity and clarity.
The image combined 10 years of images.
Four images of the space shuttle Atlantis in solar transit, combined into one.
Often, the images combined several antisemitic motifs and included derisive prose or poetry.
Songs and images combined to remind people that the pole stood for both any person in the tribe and the tribe as a whole.
The upper left image combines these three views.
We would have two images-the actors on the set, and the image of the city-to combine onto a third.
This image combined with the usually negative term "nappy" upset the nearby residents enough that they wanted Sherman removed from the school.
The second image combined two deep red colors to highlight the smoother distribution of older, cooler stars.
Narrative - the images combine with other news elements to make facts relatable to the viewer or reader on a cultural level.