And although players at times carry their own bags and play at public courses like Farmstead, the image of the Futures as a second-rate tour is disintegrating.
When Jackie actually shows up in the person of the one-dimensional Arnold, the image disintegrates.
Then the image shimmered, and suddenly disintegrated, and the blast of heat was so great she stepped backwards, her arm up to shield her eyes as she turned away.
Nick's image disintegrated and re-formed and disintegrated again.
The image of vegetation disintegrated, to be replaced by large furry clumps the size of large pigs.
The image disintegrated.
Her image disintegrated, came back, and began to roll over.
Then the image of a living ship suddenly disintegrated, like the crumbling of burned paper.
Forms and images disintegrated, broken apart in the fabric of electronic disturbance and its surface.
As suddenly as it had come, the image of the eighteen-year-old disintegrated, and Minor was jerked back to the lighted room, the bed, and Ellis's strong arms.